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MANY PROJECTS IN ONE PROJECT created with 5 and 6 year old children in small village Ivanjevci
-Interdisciplinary learning activities-
Project that has began four years ago and it is still going on.
This is an encyclopedia of fun and educational content. For kids, teachers, students, parents. 
This project is like an open window through which you can follow our work and learn with us.
LET’S CREATE THE FAIRY TALES IN SCHOOL ! Not just once. Not only in one lesson or one subject.
Let's learn Мath, Language and Literacy, Art, through stories and fairy tales.


Let's  create our new interactive, stories- fun educational content for little kids. Let's combine technology with other teaching techniques and methods since first grade, so the school will become more pleasant and more magical for little kids. Every child is an artist, they are all creative in their own unique way. They dream of living in their fantasy world with  their favourite cartoon characters. They want to re imaging stories and create their own screen plays. They all want to be the main actors in our video stories so they are  trying more and more  becoming more active and more interested in next  lessons. We make our own clothes for acting. One day we are Smurfs and the next day we are dwarves on the North Pole. We learn Math and Macedonian language while using the flour, salt, shaving foam, nail varnishes and ICT. If you watch 2 or 3 my videos you can see how my kids are motivated to work and how happy they are. If you watch more videos you can even evaluate the learning progress and you can see the increased motivation of each child individually. Children at home can see the activity again with their parents on my websites. They want to be the stars in our video stories.

While we created story we learn Math, free speech and free communication, collaboration, how to act ..
We present how to create the new, fun educational content that children can collect and analyse data, solve simple maths and real life problem situations, exercise freedom of expression and creation. 

 We learn by what is in our interest today or this week (What is fun, what is new, what cartoon is the best this week, who is our favorite hero, what was happening yesterday in school or in my village, holiday..)We present how kids can participate in making visual and manipulative teaching aids by recycling and reuse waste.

At a time when many psychologists and educators talk about how much computers are bad for children's health, we represent proven, healthy, successful ways of combining technology with all other methods, teaching tools and techniques.

Learning objectives

·         Creating interactive stories with fairy tales characters in which all the requirements of the national curriculum are subtly interwoven

·         Thoughtful and playful teaching and learning method of combining ICT with other tools, methods and techniques in teaching little kids

·         Creating free web resources for fun and easy learning (kids movies, stories, worksheets, мethods, techniques )


21st Century Skills

·         Collaboration

·         Communication

·         Knowledge building & critical thinking

·         ICT for learning

·         Problem solving & innovation (creativity)

·         Student self-assessment



Small part of planning
The latest promotions
Another project 

NEW- International Festival 
 of Educational Movies 

Лиценца Криејтив комонс

Автор Весела B


Игриви алгоритми

 Created with 
5-9 year old children 
in small village Ivanjevci

 learning activities-

Учење преку истражување
Наши едукативни филмови

Наши едукативни филмови

 MoonDigital © 
Сите права се задржани
Лиценца Криејтив комонс
Не смеете да го промените,
 или да го адаптирате ова дело
 за реупотреба во свои дела
(филмови, научни трудови,
публикации, медиуми...)
Секое пренесување или користење
 на содржините и идеите
без согласност на авторот
и без наведен линк до оваа страна,
подлежи на кривична одговорност
за повреда на авторски права.
Слободно може да се споделува
непроменето и да се користи како
прирачно средство за
реализација на интерни часови.
Не смее да биде користено
 како помагало за време на
 обуки и семинари
без присуство на авторот.

About Me

Our village and school


Патување до центарот
на Земјата

-Video stories-



NEW- International Festival 
 of Educational Movies 




 Our village and school



NEW- International Festival 
 of Educational Movies 


Our village and school


Лиценца Криејтив комонс
Не смеете да го промените,
 или да го адаптирате ова дело
 за реупотреба во свои дела
(филмови, научни трудови,
публикации, медиуми...)
Секое пренесување или користење
 на содржините и идеите
без согласност на авторот 
и без наведен линк до оваа страна,
подлежи на кривична одговорност 
за повреда на авторски права.
Слободно може да се споделува
непроменето и да се користи како
прирачно средство за
реализација на интерни часови.
Не смее да биде користено
 како помагало за време на
 обуки и семинари
без присуство на авторот.


NEW- International Festival 
 of Educational Movies 

Our village and school

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